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New Election Cycle, Same Nov 3rd 2020 Election Fraud & Corruption!

We've had primaries in 2 battleground states so far and have the SAME EXACT election problems in the same counties and cities from Nov 3rd, 2020.


Am I the only one noticing this and saying anything about it?

Where is the so called fair and balanced media on the right, left and middle?

What is happening?

Why is literally everyone, except me and like 5 other people, ignoring this????

This is the defining civil rights issue of this generation and so called fair minded Americans from all parties need to start acting accordingly!

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Jun 05, 2022

I am noticing this, too. Nobody seems to care about it in Pennsylvania. The few Fakebook friends that I have ignore my comments. This is serious and it needs attention. Voters are clueless. You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it drink. After 15 months, voting systems can be purged. I am exasperated!

Right Here Radio
Right Here Radio
Jun 05, 2022
Replying to

Every American that has fought for our civil rights has felt what your feeling. It's normal. It's OUR DUTY as citizens to push through that feeling and fix this problem. Otherwise everyone before us fought and died for nothing. Take a breather if you have too and then get right back at it.


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