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Watch 2000 Mules TODAY!

Go to , TODAY, and watch Dinesh Desouzas movie about the RIGGED & FRAUDULENT 2020 election.

"They", the corrupt establishment and deep state, are doing everything to stop the truth from coming out.

You don't try to sabotage and hide lies. You only do that to if you are trying to cover up the truth.

In summary, watch and TRUMP WON!

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May 08, 2022

Correct! It must be some kind of reverse psychology. I am voting for Kathy Barnette. I got a sample ballot mailed to me. It arrived yesterday so that I can do other research on those running for offices.


May 08, 2022

I watched it. I knew that he won long before today. This movie told me how the freaks of nature committed fraud and to what extent. I can never pray for freaks of nature to mend their ways or to be forgiven. I said it before and I shall say it again. They will all burn in HADES. And I have no intention of playing nice with the DUMMIES that do not agree 100% with President Donald John Trump.

Right Here Radio
Right Here Radio
May 08, 2022
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Except for the Dr. Oz endorsement. He must be very good friends with him. But otherwise, DJT or bust!


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